Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Plight of Central European Nations in the Wake of Western Oder Demise

With the fall of the Soviet Empire in 1989 and subsequently the Soviet state itself; a “uni-polar” world has been created.

United States and its European allies were at this moment free to shape the World in any way they wished.

Post communistic nations of Central Europe, betrayed in Yalta, were now looking for a helping hand of the West in the rising from socialistic ashes of the Soviet occupation. Especially Poland, who’s Solidarity Movement was a direct cause of socialistic system demise, was hoping for a better future in European structures.

As always in the past, Poland’s contribution in bringing freedom to enslaved European nations was quickly forgotten. Now, the politically correct euphemism of 1989 breakthrough is the “fall of the Berlin wall”; although, respected German citizens merely physically removed few concrete blocks of the wall. And this was after the breakdown of the socialistic system, and after the flight of thousands of East German residents eastward to Poland in search of asylum and freedom.

Two decades later, ominous Western “forgetfulness” advanced even further with some starting to accuse Poland of precipitating WWII and the Jewish holocaust.

From 1989 on, the Western corporations were busy designing a strategy for effective robbery of the post communistic societies’ wealth. At the same time, the Western political elite, followed by citizenry at large, reached unprecedented level of haughtiness [at least since the Herrenvolk’s[1] rise in 1930s Nazi-Germany].

After almost two decades of practicing such attitudes, the West brought immense misery to countless people around the world, political and social chaos throughout its sphere of influence, and serious economic crisis.

Indiscriminate use of real weapons of mass destruction such as “democracy” and “free market” ideology destroyed the world’s delicate socio-economic fabrics, creating a major instability.

Skilled use of weapons of mass distraction (main stream media) succeeded in lowering moral and intellectual standards to shameful levels. Most importantly, imperial media have been able to convince people in post communistic countries to voluntarily join the newly established atheistic paradise of the EU.

At the time of euroreferendum in Poland, euroskeptics circulated an ironic joke that after the incorporation, every Pole will get one Mercedes… to wash.

EU failed to deliver even this. With the exception of brothels, other segments of the EU economy did not produce a sufficient number of menial jobs for millions of immigrants, who steam out of their post communistic homelands.

In summary, one may argue that the plutocratic elite of the Euroatlantic Empire (US/EU) succeeded in achieving its goal of creating “The New World Order”.

However, there is one glitch in it. It failed to secure a reliable global “vanquishing” force.

In the early 1990s, NATO was duly selected to become the world police force. Its initial success in destroying Yugoslavia was indeed heartwarming. Not only all political objectives were swiftly achieved, but economic ones as well. Since the Euroatlantic Empire failed to “transform” post communistic economy of this country via fiscal means (as it was done in other Central European countries), it efficiently utilized “humanitarian bombings” for that purpose. This air campaign effectively destroyed Yugoslav (Serb)-owned factories, such as the famous Zastava Autoworks.

One may only marvel at this performance, especially taking into account the most recent successes of Kosovo’s extraction and installation of “pro-Western reformers” as administrators of Serbia.

Encouraged by this, German Herrenvolk is currently busy creating in ethnically-homogenous Poland, artificial nationalities named after the country’s regions such as Silesianvolk, Mazurenvolk, etc. They are hoping to soon erase the Polish state from the map of Europe, in accordance with political logic so neatly described in recent Buchanan’s publications.

In all this, the Empire overlooks one important detail. It currently is in a state of rapid disintegration. Insane policies of ruling plutocracy brought demographic catastrophe in Europe, additionally coupled with Islamic immigration, economic catastrophe in USA, and utter military defeat in the Middle East. Although, the West does not recognize these “achievements” yet, they are indeed tangible.

As a result of it, the Empire will be in total disarray within a few years at the most. It will not have any efficient military tool of suppression to deal with this problem. Euroforce has not yet been established, and NATO (beyond Yugoslav experience) has been mostly impotent. Its impressive strategic forces (navy, air force, missiles) are useless for policing purposes. Its conventional forces are being defeated by ragtag militias of primitive Islamic tribes all over Middle East

If executed, the planned war with Iran may bring the Empire to its knees both militarily and economically, creating utter chaos. In turn, this will leave the EU in ruins with Central European nations at the bottom of the pit. Nevertheless, it will give these impoverished and oppressed people a chance to free themselves from Western slavery.

In order to live up to the challenge, Central Europeans must understand both the world around them, and their own strengths and weaknesses.

The biggest problem for them is lack of genuine national elites. Current colonial-like “elites” have slave mentality. They are both unable and unwilling to pursue national interests of their countries, always looking for a “master-sponsor”. They have been betraying their people all along with the disastrous results that may be clearly seen after two decades of “transformation” and "euroatlantic integration”. In addition, their mere existence prevents any form of genuine regional integration of the Central European countries.

In Poland, the government of gauleiter Tusk looks to Berlin for sponsorship, while pseudo-patriotic segment of “elites” congregated around President Kaczyński hopes for strong ties with Washington.

These “elites” fail to understand that “alliance” with the West is completely useless. The West always expects fulfillment of other peoples’ commitments, while discounting its own. Being additionally on its “last leg”, USA is unlikely to complete frivolous imperial projects such as missile defense shield, which theoretically could have created a “foundation” for potential alliance.

Orthodox Christian Slavs of Southern Europe are busy reviving their historical alliances with Moscow. Notwithstanding common Orthodox roots, the Russians are a deeply troubled, nihilistic society with corrupt oligarchic elite, and former operatives of dreadful KGB in charge. Living in present day, without past and future, they are unable to formulate a reasonable political strategy. Suicidal alliance with their greatest natural enemy-China-illustrates well such attitude.

Moscow is eager to play “pan Slavic” card for her gains, but without any serious commitment to the other party’s benefits. Recent NATO summit in Bucharest proved it beyond any doubt. In exchange for dropping Georgia and Ukraine from the alliance membership bid, Moscow practically closed its eyes on the Kosovo issue.

Inevitable collapse of the Empire is going to expose Europe’s southern “soft belly” to vicious assault of Islam. Aggravated by painful experience of current Middle Eastern wars, Muslims may pose a dramatic threat to Europe’s very existence.

In such instance, there is going to be a necessity to stabilize and secure the region. This may be accomplished by some form of cooperation between Central European nations.

In order to survive, these nations must overcome mutual animosities, which currently enable their enemies from the west, east, and south to successfully employ ancient divide et impera strategy.

The answer is in the creation of some sort of “Centroslavia”. Failure to achieve this will not only put at risk their “magnificent” future in EU, but the very basic survival.


1 comment:

Egregious Extremist said...

I find the concept fascinating and would like to discuss the matter more. I have an expansion of the idea on my blog but it is barely worked upon.

This is a fascinating concept and any feedback would be greatly appreciated.